Friday, March 09, 2007

"dutch girl" hostel naked

OK, that's a bit of a misleading title for this post, I have to admit. No, you're not going to get some sordid account of backpacker shenanigans. Sorry. It's just I have been drawn into the dark and seedy world of web stats I think it was Simon Dye that got me hooked like some evil drug peddler...or was it me that got him hooked? Anyway, there's this tool on Google that allows you to see who's been visiting your site, where they came from, what pages they looked at and all sorts of other eye-pokingly useless info including (and this is where the title comes in) what people searched for on Google that chucked up your site in their search results.

So, the most popular Google search last week that led semi-naked and slightly fevered folk to Spratticus was, yup, you've probably guessed:

"dutch girl" hostel naked

Incredible. I couldn't quite see how they reached me (of course I had to do the search myself) but now I've written those hallowed words on Spratticus, rest assured, no one searching for "dutch girl" hostel naked will be able to miss my site. They'll be pretty disappointed though.


the oxo said...

You know very well that it was you who was the google analytics pusher and thus responsible for my current addiction to pie-charts. No wonder your disc got corrupted with pictures of naked dutch hostel girls on it. My current favourite search term that has led a viewer to my blog is 'badger diarrhoea'. Now there's a phrase to conjure with over breakfast.

I've got my eye on you! said...

OK, I admit it. It was me that started the virtual crack den that is Google Analytics. Sorry.

I've got my eye on you! said...

...and 'badger diarrhoea'...what the F@#&?!!! There are some sick people out there. Lucky we're normal...right?