Many thanks for your tags on the site...most...errr...kind. I haven't been able to see them until now on account of Thailand's military regime deeming Blogspot to be subversive therefore barred from being viewed from Thailand's ISPs. Got round it using a proxy server service...don't ask me...I have no idea really.
1. Yeah. All highly hypocritical of me to have a rant about global waste production whilst tripping the light fantastic on long haul flights, kicking back in business class, sipping Rusty Nails and reading the FT. That is why I have decided to take more personal responsibility and increase my green credentials. I shall continue the rest of my journey overland, preferably on foot or bicycle (well, rickshaw). From now on I aim to fund the trip through selling second hand, solo flip-flops and I shall be stopping every kilometre to plant a sapling and offer up a small sacrifice of burnt toe-nail clippings to the Green Man o' the Woods.

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