Hong Kong, Aug 16-19, 2007
Oh, hello. Sorry been a bit off comms lately but here's a flavour of my stay in Hong Kong, a city where you really get a sense of how insect small you are as you wander between monolithic steel & glass altars to the god Commerce. It really is enough to give you a crick in the neck staring up at them. If you get bored of that there's always massive shopping malls to get lost in, all paying homage to the deities of Gucci, D&G, Calvin Klein, Louis Vuitton and Barry Bobbins (my personal favourite designer label hailing from north Bedfordshire and specialising in brussels sprout picking haute couture).
(By the way, I'm having a personal battle with my own pun-tastic and cheesy-gag self to prevent myself writing 'phooey'. I guess I have just lost that battle.)
Many thanks to Justin, Cathy and their three nippers who put me up in Stanley and treated me like royalty, albeit wide eyed and agog royalty that had led a very low-rise and sheltered life. I think Stanley, Hong Kong:
must be slightly different from Stanley, Falkland Islands:
(Aerial picture of Stanley, Falkland Islands courtesy of my brother. He was flying the plane from which the photo was taking apparently. Don't know why; he's an accountant.)
As ever, it's best described in pics:

The old and the new Bank of China Buildings. Justin works on the 42nd floor of the new one, about where the shoulder starts to come in. Dizzying. The old Bank of China building is now the swanky China Club where Justin & I took lunch one day, China Club sandwiches (what else?) and a delicious drink that is my new favourite softie - Gunners: half ginger beer, half ginger ale, bitters and slice of lemon. Move over Dr Peppers. I managed to drag the tone down by rocking up in flip flops and so Justin had to persuade them to let me in wearing a pair of borrowed black silk club slippers. Can't take me anywhere!!

Oh, hello. Sorry been a bit off comms lately but here's a flavour of my stay in Hong Kong, a city where you really get a sense of how insect small you are as you wander between monolithic steel & glass altars to the god Commerce. It really is enough to give you a crick in the neck staring up at them. If you get bored of that there's always massive shopping malls to get lost in, all paying homage to the deities of Gucci, D&G, Calvin Klein, Louis Vuitton and Barry Bobbins (my personal favourite designer label hailing from north Bedfordshire and specialising in brussels sprout picking haute couture).
(By the way, I'm having a personal battle with my own pun-tastic and cheesy-gag self to prevent myself writing 'phooey'. I guess I have just lost that battle.)
Many thanks to Justin, Cathy and their three nippers who put me up in Stanley and treated me like royalty, albeit wide eyed and agog royalty that had led a very low-rise and sheltered life. I think Stanley, Hong Kong:

As ever, it's best described in pics:

The old and the new Bank of China Buildings. Justin works on the 42nd floor of the new one, about where the shoulder starts to come in. Dizzying. The old Bank of China building is now the swanky China Club where Justin & I took lunch one day, China Club sandwiches (what else?) and a delicious drink that is my new favourite softie - Gunners: half ginger beer, half ginger ale, bitters and slice of lemon. Move over Dr Peppers. I managed to drag the tone down by rocking up in flip flops and so Justin had to persuade them to let me in wearing a pair of borrowed black silk club slippers. Can't take me anywhere!!

Another great thing about Hong Kong, if you get bored staring at 1000ft skyscrapers or blowing cash on shoes and bags, you can go surfing. We went round the coast from Stanley to Big Wave Bay which, contrary to the name, was more than manageable for the trio of energy above (l-r: Lochlan, Dominic, James) on boogie boards. Naturally, I struggled and swallowed half of the South China sea.
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