Thursday, September 29, 2011

Tim Minchin never looked more uncomfortable

Detroit Macnamara Airport

So, I'm off the plane sharpish being in seat 5B...that's Business Elite for ya...yeah. As I'm wrapping up the Immigration grilling:

Immigration officer: What's the purpose of your visit?

Me: To see friends.

IO: How do you know them?

Me: Brian is a friend of my brother from the USAF...not that my brother was in the USAF, he was in the RAF. But I'm a good friend of Brian too.

IO: Huh? Been to the States before?

Me: Yes.

IO: When?

Me: When Brian married Robyn and I visited my brother not too long ago.

IO: I was looking for a year...but please, just move on now.

Me: Sorry thanks sorry.

Anyway. There behind me is Tim Minchin. I loitered slightly, and then collared him with...

"It's Tim Minchin, right? I saw you in Wales. Greenman Festival. My wife's good friend Jen is slightly obsessed with you."

I was clearly still in immigration mode.

He muttered something about having a terrible cold and side shuffled towards the loos.

Hint taken. Not a photo no photo (that I took).

But I did shake his hand. I'll probably get a cold now.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Oh goodness. Did you consider "admires your pianistic talent, clever lyrics and stage presence"???!