Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Soup Strainer for Movember

Movember is almost upon us...and I'm up for it again. Below are a few visuals from last year's Movember MOuse Warming Party. A success fo' su'.

If you fancy sponsoring me don't hold back:

Dates for your Diary if you're a Brightonian:

Movember Gala Parte, Brighton Wed 23 Nov, 8-12pm - Sticky Mike's Frog Bar, 9-12 Middle Street BN1 1AL [tickets]

Barefaced Cheek Sat 26 Nov, 'til 1am - The Rock Inn, 7 Rock Street, Kemptown BN2 1NF: end of Movember party, come along and parade your crumb catcher!

Mo Quiz Night Mon 28 Nov, 7-12pm - The Lectern, 5 Pelham Ter, Lewes Rd BN2 4AF: a quiz with a lip shrubbery theme

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