Dinner rolls, harder than you might think to make soft.
Like in daily life just add lard to get that doughy, soft feel. Where your standard white bread recipe might ask for water, simply replace with milk. Melt in a little butter...bung in a bit of yoghurt if you like...et voila - rolls more akin to Indian Pav than crusty (yet surprisingly light) cannon balls. Perfect with soup or for soaking up gravy...or heck, just covering in butter & jam and duetting with a cuppa tea. Hmmm. mmmh.
Like in daily life just add lard to get that doughy, soft feel. Where your standard white bread recipe might ask for water, simply replace with milk. Melt in a little butter...bung in a bit of yoghurt if you like...et voila - rolls more akin to Indian Pav than crusty (yet surprisingly light) cannon balls. Perfect with soup or for soaking up gravy...or heck, just covering in butter & jam and duetting with a cuppa tea. Hmmm. mmmh.