Had a farewell lunch and swim in the pool at the hotel that I checked into (Senor Manana's - sounds more classy than it really was, no squid in the pool though, which was a blessing). There was a delightful painting in my room, take a look at us taking a look at it:
And then they left and I felt quite sad and lonely...sob sob.
Wandered the touristy streets of San Jose all forlorn (that's forlorn, not 'full on' by the way!). My left ear was still completely deaf or at least felt like I had half the Pacific Ocean and most of Baja's beach sand in it. Investigated to the point of pain with a cotton bud to no avail. This meant no diving, which was a shame in the first instance but it also meant I was stuck in San Jose, which is a very touristy American resort full of obnoxious bullet heads and their brittle bottle blonde wives who were there for the game fishing (and I know I'm generalising, but it was true).
Spent my time studying land based wildlife instead, and VW camper vans, of which there were many, and reading a lot.

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