Thursday, November 16, 2006

Spinning the cranks & fine vines

Leave me to my own devices long enough and bikes are going to feature, sure as eggs is eggs. Chris & Holly had a fine selection of steeds, some of them in carbon fibre (oooh), and I availed myself of them quite liberally. Holly's a real magician - on one bike ride, she turned into a winery.
The peleton cruising the Skyline.

Holly cranking up the hill.

That's me on Holly's Klein mountain bike, infact wearing one of Holly's cycle shirts. Obviously I got permission from Team Naranja management to wear another team's kit.

Christian doing some gentle spinning, Gentle style.

Fine Californian vines at in their autumnal garb. David Payne's winery, Los Gatos.
Oh look, booze. Rest assured the glasses weren't filled to the brim - just a sniff. Congratulations to Holly for taking a pic that doesn't show off Chris and my ample girth...too badly.

Me & Holly 'tasting' the fine wines. It does look a bit like Holly's glass is brim full of white wine. It wasn't. Shame.

The way home - a bit of a blur courtesy of the above wine tasting.

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