Well, it will be PARRR-TAAAY TIME on Sat 13 Oct.
Well, it will be PARRR-TAAAY TIME on Sat 13 Oct.

Hey there, fancy donning some fluffy shin
warmers and getting flying suit fruity?
Of course you do!
Sat 13 Oct 2007
@ my current digs in Camden, London
Rock up 2pm onwards.
Kids early, big kids anytime after you wake up.
Moustaches welcome.
[Email me for hard copy invite and map. If you don't know my email address, leave a TAG or comment and explain why you should get an three beggars get one.]
Did I just hear that a baby of 17lbs was born in Russia this week. Ouch. That's just plain wrong.
And can anyone explain how a coffee percolator works. It's been perplexing and also fascinating me lately. How come all the water goes from the bottom up that little pipe, through the grounds and into the top bit. That said, if someone was blow-torching my arse, I'd try and crawl up a drainpipe to get away. I have been drinking far too much coffee just because I love seeing the oily, chocolate brown liquid froth out of the spout.

I even made another pot to take this picture! Don't worry, it won't go to waste, I'll drink it down...then go on a caffeine wired rampage around Camden ripping the wing mirrors off cars and flashing my knob at old ladies. Should fit in pretty well with the local YOOF...and bag an ASBO if I'm lucky.
And seeings as this post is stumbling around like a Saturday night drunkard, I have a dilema. I hate chavtronica but I really like Kate Nash. What to do? It must be all this hanging out in Camden.

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