Sunday, September 09, 2007

Ode to a Geek Yearn

My friend and neighbour The Badger (of Chappel Beer Festival notoriety) helps host a Saturday lunchtime radio show on Resonance 104.4FM (London's arts based radio station) called Hello Goodbye. It's a jumble of his (and co-host Richard Bentley's) warped yet delightfully eclectic taste in music championing the oft flea bitten underdogs of the music scene and includes live sessions from crazy named bands along with more unusual items such as interviews with flexi-disc collectors and players of the spoons. I understand once the live performances were pedal powered (Open Bike Night)...getting the vibe? It's been off-air for a wee while but comes back loud & proud on Sep 22. You really should give it some ear time.

Anyway, a few years ago I got badgered into submitting a piece for one of his shows called One Minute Wonders - the concept being for listeners to submit a one minute piece of work: music, prose, poetry, comedy, white noise, an old lady hiccoughing into her shoe...whatever and c.60 of them would form the one hour show.

Well, I've just discovered that my 'piece' is on the Dexter Bentley website (the band Badger & Richard play in) and available to be downloaded/listened to. You can do so here if you wish to endure a rather camp sounding fellow ( do I always sound so differently to how I imagine I do?) reciting a rather up-its-own-arse poem, cooked up in my own wordy kitchen, to the background noise of traffic and bikes.

It's a deep shame and indeed a loss to mankind that 49. Martin: Answer Machine : 1.14 and 50. John Wynne: How to use a Condom : 1.03 aren't available to download as they are genius. You'll have to take my word for it. Still Fizzy Bangers: Short Attention Span is there to make up for it.

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