I emerged from Auckland airport to witness the sunrising on the southern hemisphere, slightly unnerved that Nov 2 had escaped me somewhere en route. From this point on I was following the traditional plan - push on and see what happens. On the Skybus into town I carefully reviewed my accommodation options and used the tried and tested method of selecting one - pick the first in the list.
First impressions of Auckland:
1. There seem to be a number of people without shoes (and not homeless and not crusty hippy types either), just padding about barefoot out of choice. I have to say they usually weren't wearing suits atop. (This phenomenon got out of control further down in the south island.)
2. There are a similarly large number of people carrying cardboard boxes. So many so that I noticed it and it started to fascinate me. Maybe it's a bit like when you're a kid and your parents got a new car (well, usually secondhand but new to them anyway) and all of a sudden the roads seem to be packed with the same make and model. Who knows? Certainly not me.
Rather like with the Mexican Goths of Morelia I was a little too shy to whip the camera out and snap these two strange facets of Auckland life.
Memo to self: do not take up a career as a journalistic photographer
"Errr..sorry to bother you, would you mind if I took a picture...silly question, of course you would...sorry...how crass of me...please forgive me...here, have a Milky Bar...I won't trouble you any more...I'm off now...sorry...forget I ever asked..."
Instead, here are a couple of snaps of the city of Auckland. If you look hard, I'm sure you'll see someone barefoot and carrying a box.
PS How sad is it that I'm doing this on Christmas Day? I think it's time for a sherry.
Before this post, I had never even heard of Auckland. You know what they say: "If you can reach one person...something something something". Well done...
Right oh, thanks. Always glad to be of some use, preferably where maps and atlases are concerned. Merry merry Christmas an' all that.
Happy Christmas sire!
From Becket House with love x x x
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