Right, chop chop, get on the bus.
But it's got a massive crack in the windscreen.
Never mind, never mind!
[Chug chug, splutter, bouncy, bouncy.]
Is that a box of chickens?
And a basket of ducks?
And a pig in a poke?
Oh look, a Che Guevara t-shirt. Nice to see some things don't change the world over.
Don't just stand there and stare...come on!
Hey, Dusty, did you see the Che Guevara mud flaps on that lorry we past?
Are you just gonna gawp and take pictures? For the love of Christmas, hurry up.
Keep yer hair on!
Wow, look a catholic church.
[Hech hem]
Yeah yeah, coming.
Shall we go to Don Khong in the 4000 Islands on the Mekong?
Why not? Just a couple of nights though.
Hey. Don Khong sounds a bit like Don King doesn't it.
Ooohhh, someone's had a sense of humour failure, haven't they Dusty?
Cool. They're big rapids aren't they?
Do you think you could canoe down them, like if you were really good at canoeing?
How the hell should I know?
Hey, fancy an orange froggy snack, Dusty?
Not really.
Nah. Me neither.
How about some locusts?
I feel a bit queasy.
Bloody hell, I think I'm going to be sick.
Phew made it to Phnom Pen. That was quite a few days of hard travel, huh?
Fancy a glass of beer?
Sure, I think we deserve one.
Hey Dusty, what do you think that's all about?
Bit weird and slightly scary ennit?
Want to go in?
Not really.
Nah, me neither.
That'll be from the lyrics to 'Small Change' by Tom Waits, which continue thusly:
And her teeth are in a wreck
Now she won't let you kiss her
But what the hell do you expect
And the Gypsies are tragic and if you
Wanna to buy perfume, well
They'll bark you down like
Carneys... sell you Christmas cards in June
But, but small change got rained on with his own .38
I have never heard my Aunty Margery described more accurately.
[Only joking Aunty Margery!]
I know she doesn't use the Devil's Portal so she won't read that libelous comment.
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