I donned full N.B.C. suit - one should always be prepared for whatever one may encounter in cardboard boxes and for all I knew they contained Saddam's ellusive Weapons of Mass Destruction.
In truth they contained nothing more dangerous than mountains of paper that shoud have been filed, leaky pens and a pair of curly toed slippers from Rajasthan (amongst other assorted gubbins that filled up the six boxes or so). I spent hours upon hours, nay days tearing up paper into indecipherable confetti [Memo to self: buy shredder next time].
So, with the help of Jo, my clobber was shifted back to Ma's and the sun was surely setting on the Borough Bunker era...for now.
Pic of Ma, me & Harry on the day of the shift, Ma managing to smile through gritted teeth at receiving the unwanted consignment of chatels. Bless.
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