Pants' guide to Mexican fayre
1. Tacos (beans on side): Open soft tortilla loaded with as much as you can pack in; prime cause of gringo chin.
Brit equivalent: Pie & Chips
2. Quesadillas (beans on side): Basically same as tacos with a cheese element; can be a bit flattened as if accidentally coming into contact with chef's elbow.
Brit equivalent: Cheese & Veg Pie & Chips
3. Enchiladas (beans on side): Rolled tortilla (i.e. a closed taco, you see?) covered in an improbably red coloured chilli sauce; troublesome finger food, recommend cutlery.
Brit equivalent: Pie, Chips & Gravy
4. Burritos (beans within and on side): Rolled tortilla incoporating a beany element.
Brit equivalent: Pie, Chips & Beans
5. Tostadas (beans on side): Flat tortilla that are crispy and covered in a topping (in short a taco that has been left out in the sun).
British equivalent: Burnt Pie & Chips
6. Queso Fundido (beans on side): (see Quesadillas)
There are a thousand other variations with assorted names like Flantas, Molletes, Sincronzada, Flacoyo, all have either beans within or on the side and are tortillas with stuff in them.
Pants' guide on where to eat Mexican food
Taco stands. End of story. These are the greasy cafes of Mexico and like greasy cafes can be very fine indeed.To spot a goodie look for the tell-tale signs:A. A crowd, preferably not angry or agitated, that's a mob and can mean the complete opposite of what you're seeking.
B. A good name like 'Tacos Grande', 'Tacos Buena', 'Las 1000 Tacos' (shouldn't be a supply issue there) or 'Fat Bob's'.
C. Dogs - well, come on, if they're around the stand, they're not in the tacos, capiche!
D. Plenty of 'additions'. This is the whole point, loading up your tacos with an endless supply of salsa, guacamole, innocent looking chilli sauce that burns the roof of your mouth off etc.
E. A gritty clientelle - they are usually taco shack regulars and the most discerning. Note - do not attempt to wipe anyone else's chin. Bad form!
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