Saturday, July 28, 2007

!Frente! - who'd a thunk it

Phnom Pen, Cambodia
OK, this is a bit of an 'in gag' for Brian (if you're out there Brian) but whilst back in Phnom Pen I strangely found myself in a karaoke bar. Thumbing through the menu of songs, which I have to say was vast, I chanced across a number by that Aussie power-pop, beat-combo from the early 90s - !Frente! (to be truly accurate one of those exclamation marks should be upside down but that's beyond me).

Ah, the memories of whirling round on a beer lubed dance floor at the Mean Fiddler in Harlesden (sadly no longer I understand), whilst one of the more delicate members of the party writhed in agony with a dislocated knee. That's the power of !Frente!.

Needless to say, I didn't get up and blast out Bizarre Love Triangle for fear of what carnage would be caused in the inevitably frenzied crowd.


the oxo said...

Pop quiz time again: the Frente version of 'BLT' is the one with a femal vocal, right? A good rendition, but one that pales in comparison to the mighty New Order original. I would pay highly for a recording of you singing a Karaoke version though.

I've got my eye on you! said...

Once again, my musical card has been trumped by the prime player in the Melody Stakes.

How much are we talking for my Karaoke version?

I've got my eye on you! said...

How about a new latch on my shed? Uh oh...I think I owe you the recording.

Marci said...

Sounds AWESOME!! Being a bit of a karaoke fiend, I loved reading about your Bizarre Love Triangle adventures.

I've got my eye on you! said...

Shalom indeed Marci, and welcome to Spratticus, a broad church, if a little a-religious at times.

Perhaps there's a 'Dodgy 90s Band Karaoke Information' group we could all join.

Have you tried Singstar yet? Don't, it's addictive, even if you're a 37 year old bloke that should know better (that's me, not you of course), rather than a 13 year old girl who doesn't.