Why did I have to give yesterday's post that title? Wasn't it just an invitation to The Gods to give me a karate chop in the head? Yes, yes it was. And they did. And a punch in the throat to boot. I have lost my passport & wallet not to mention flight tickets, camera, UK SIM card and a host of other important bobbins that were in the Do Not Lose Under Pain of Death bag. It was my fault, I just left the bag in a bar and went off to bed. Numb-nutz! Needless to say I have not been my number one friend today.
To add insult to injury, someone also walked off with (literally) my flip flops from outside the Internet cafe earlier. ARRRGGGHHH. Barefoot and credential-less. Grrreat.
So I have some serious unravelling of the terrific mess I've got myself in. Here's a pic to remind me what I'm missing other than the complete left side of my brain.

Jaysus! What a bummer! It's not easy to sympathise with the trials and tribulations of someone merrily skipping their way round the world while us honest taxpayers are slaving away to pay your dole money. But that sounds truly rotten. Hope you get it all sorted without too much hassle and that you get at least your flip or your flop back, if not both. On the brighter side, I guess you get a nice tanned picture of yourself in your new passport. Hang in there!
Thanks for your sympathy. The bad news - all the important stuff did not show up...funnily enough. The good news - I got my flip flops back.
Hmmm, pic for passport sadly is a two days of non-stop travel and the tizz of unravelling this mess kind of frazzled look. Hey ho.
Get this, message from Bill #1 via Pie - thanks for postcard but you spelt my name wrong. He gives with one hand and takes with t'other!
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