Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Mayday Mayday!

Bangkok, Thailand - May 1, 2007
OK, it's going to be one of those time & space distorting entries that seems to confuse people rather, well, mainly Churchy, but hey. May Day is my birthday and I've gotta say a massive thanks for all the birthday wishes, messages and calls and in the case of Ros & Dan: board, lodging, presents, sublime birthday meal and the first breach of the self-imposed wine embargo (economic rather than political motive) for over a month and a half. Overwhelmed, touched, brought to the brink of tears, well, not really but you get the gist. Great to know I'm still bobbing around in the collective consciousness of all you good folk. I can't say when I will be back from this rather protracted trip but as has been proven to me, just because I ain't there, doesn't mean to say I'm not being thought of and likewise, same goes for you guys (that I know at least) - thinking about ya! Cheers. [Enough of this over-emotional bobbins - Ed.]

So here's a snap from last night:

Couple of things worth noting. Firstly, it's the only time I have ever worn that shirt in seven and a half months of travel (apart from in Krabi the other week when all my other clothes were in the laundry). Worth carrying it around just for this evening though! Also the camera gave the picture the file name of DSC1970. Odd I thought. The DSC bit are actually Dan's initials - Daniel Standish Collison, although he won't thank me for publicising that (and there's also another initial 'D' in there somewhere but we'll ignore that). And 1970 is the year of my birth, the anniversary of which we were celebrating. OK, it's not going to make the Fortean Times but it caught my eye.

Oh, and I know, I need a hair cut!

And another thing, Happy Birthday to the only other MayDayer I know - Jeff Rutherford from Toronto whom I met in Krabi...in fact when I was wearing that shirt for the first time. Hope it's been simply top hole!

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